Definition of Conservatism, Radicalism, Moderatism:
These three habits of mind often are forms of prejudice. But they
are not necessarily such. Prejudices have histories with a beginning. But
the conservative, the one who prefers what is old or familiar simply
because it is old or familiar, may be born such; it is a part of the
temperament he brings into the world. Radicalism is the habit of preferring
the new or the revolutionary just because of its newness. The moderate
habitually chooses middle-of-the-road or compromise ground; he avoids
the two extremes. But there is no inherent virtue in moderatism or
compromise as such. Actually, there are times when our position should be
conservative, times when we should take a radical stand, and still other
times when we should be moderate.
Example of Conservatism, Radicalism, Moderatism: (1) This belief is an old one, but I want you to know that
the old ways are the best ways.'
(2) 'What we need is new ideas, completely new ways of thinking; the old is
not worthy of our acceptance.'
(3) 'Vote for me. My program is neither conservative nor radical.'
See more Examples of Conservatism, Radicalism, Moderatism In Game: