All Sections & Techniques:

Self Deception Language Irrelevance Exploitation Form Maneuver
Prejudice Emotional Terms Appearance Appeal to Pity Concurrency Diversion
Academic Detachment Metaphor and Simile Manner Appeal to Flattery Post Hoc Disproving a Minor Point
Drawing the Line Emphasis Degrees and Titles Appeal to Ridicule Selected Instances Ad Hominem
Not Drawing the Line Quotations Out of Context Numbers Appeal to Prestige Hasty Generalization Appeal to Ignorance
Abstract Terms Status Appeal to Prejudice Faulty Analogy Leading Question
Rationalization Vagueness Repetition Bargain Appeal Composition Complex Question
Wishful Thinking Ambiguity Slogans Folksy Appeal Division Inconsequent Argument
Tabloid Thinking Shift of Meaning Technical Jargon Join the Bandwagon Appeal Non Sequitur Attacking a Strawman
Casual Oversimplification - Sophistical Formula Practical Consequences - Victory by Definition
Inconceivability - - From the Acceptable to the Dubious - Begging the Question
Prejudice: A long-standing, deep-seated, emotional bias that makes us unwilling to fairly examine the evidence and reasoning in behalf of a person or thing. We are not born with prejudices, they are acquired by indoctrination, conditioning or prior experiences of a singularly pleasant or unpleasant character. Thus, prejudices have a history – they have a beginning. This technique is not about appeals to prejudice which come from outside you, rather, this technique refers to how your own prejudice victimizes you, unaided by outside support. Prejudice differs from Hasty Generalization in that although Hasty Generalization often represents a spontaneous emotional reaction, Prejudice is always a matter of much longer standing. The feeling that operates is deep, not superficial, and is often completely hidden from the person in its grip.